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Whiplash Treatment In Miami

There are dozens (and dozens) of different car accident injuries.  They range anywhere from bruises, cuts and broken bones to debilitating injuries that can lead to lifelong complications – or worse – death.  Luckily, the latter isn’t most common, but there is one injury, in particular, that plagues thousands of people every year regardless of how the injury happened.


Whiplash is arguably the most common car accident injury.  It can happen in side-impact, rear-end, head on, single, and multi-vehicle accidents.  Whiplash injuries can be minor, moderate, or severe – and can impact day to day activities with nagging, consistent, or debilitating pain.  In short, every person’s injury is different, and each individual is affected differently.

Whiplash Symptoms

There are many symptoms of whiplash, one of which is easily dismissed as a stiff or sore neck.  The problem is that when left untreated, whiplash can take much longer to heal and can lead to chronic pain in other areas affected by the injury.  Some of the most common symptoms of whiplash include:

Can Physical Therapy Help Whiplash?

Your doctor may advise you to rest following a whiplash diagnosis, and physical therapy can also play a key role in the healing process.   Your physical therapist will implement gentle and therapeutic exercises and movements that will guide you in the rehabilitation process.  The restorative treatments will, over time, allow you to recuperate from your whiplash while simultaneously increasing your range of motion, decreasing your pain, and decreasing (or altogether eliminating) the other whiplash symptoms you are experiencing.

Physical Therapy in Miami For Whiplash

Are you one of the many people who is suffering from whiplash after an accident?  While this injury is very common in auto accidents, it also happens in slip and fall accidents, and sports accidents.  If you suspect you or a loved one is suffering from whiplash or if you notice any of the symptoms listed above, don’t wait! Get to a doctor or to your physical therapist in Miami as soon as possible, because insurance companies have strict guidelines when it comes to getting that much-needed coverage.  Namely, a timeline that gives you only a short period of time to seek treatment for your injuries.

If you live in the Miami-Dade area and need whiplash treatment, call Physical Therapy Now at (202) 481-4592.


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