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Does Physical Therapy in Miami Help?

5 Reasons You Need Physical Therapy After A Car Accident

Sure, you can sit back and try to heal on your own, hoping for the best outcome.  However, why leave your short and long-term health to chance?  When you have been injured in a car accident, physical therapy will have a HUGE impact on your health and well-being.  Today, we’re answering the most common question asked by people just like you who have been injured in a car accident:  Does physical therapy in Miami help me get better?

Your Body Will Heal Faster with Physical Therapy

Because movement through physical therapy helps pump oxygenated blood to the site of the injury, your flexibility and range of motion will gradually improve the more you move.  When a highly qualified physical therapist closely monitors your movement like those at Physical Therapy Now, your risk of more injuries will be dramatically reduced.  Another benefit: When you move:  much-needed nutrients are able to make their way to the injury site much easier, and that too, promotes faster healing!

You Experience Less Pain

All that movement may seem counterproductive to reducing pain, but actually, it is the movement in particular that helps the pain to decline. Another proven benefit is that most people can reduce or eliminate the use of prescription and over the counter pain relievers as a direct result of physical therapy.

Your Overall Quality of Life Will Improve with Physical Therapy

Just imagine:  being able to move freely with NO PAIN!  Yes, it is possible, and you will increase your chances of being able to dramatically improve your quality of life with physical therapy in Miami.  Whether it is going back to work, going out for dinner, getting back on the golf course, or playing with children or grandchildren, you will get back to doing those “little” things that bring you joy much sooner with physical therapy in Miami at Physical Therapy Now.

Your Stress Levels Will Decrease with Physical Therapy

Those everyday things we take for granted suddenly make a HUGE difference when you don’t have to worry about HOW you are going to manage your pain, and HOW you are going to get up and down the stairs, or HOW you are going to do something simple, like take a shower.  As you begin to heal, get stronger and improve your overall quality of life each day, your stress levels will decline because those things you’ve been worrying about no longer exist!

Your Insurance Company Wants You to Do Physical Therapy

The insurance companies don’t always have a good reputation when it comes to cutting checks for the injured.  However, did you know that the insurance adjusters, in most cases, may ENCOURAGE you to do physical therapy?  The benefit isn’t just for you: when you heal and get better, the insurance companies don’t have to pay for your care over an extended period.  You’re getting better in a faster period benefits everyone!

Physical Therapy in Miami

When you need physical therapy in Miami, don’t hesitate to reach out to the best Miami physical therapist at Physical Therapy Now.  We make it so convenient for you to get to one of our many locations in the Miami-Dade area, with a facility located every 5 miles, no matter where you are!  And if getting to a Physical Therapy Now facility presents a challenge, we can come to you by way of Cyber Therapy or In-Home Therapy.

We also offer highly successful aquatic therapy, which is an excellent option for physical therapy in Miami. Call us today to set up your first appointment and we’ll get started on your personalized physical therapy plan today!


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